Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blog #6- Typing

This is a blog assignment titled "#6- Typing."

Go here and complete some typing tests.

1)  You will take at least one of each of the 5 timed tests (1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, and 5 min). Choose from lessons #26-35.  Change to a different lesson for each of the five tests.

2)  You will take a screen shot (shift/apple/4-then drag a rectangle over the area you want copied) of the best result for each test.  The picture is sent to the desktop.  Right click the picture, click "get info" and rename as "I minute" or "2 minute" depending on which test it was.

3)  You will post all 5 pictures on your blog titled, "#6- Typing."   Caption each picture with the type of test it was (1 minute, 2 minute, etc.).
You will insert the 5 results pictures in your blog.  Make sure that you caption each photo with the   type of test it was (1 min, 2 min, etc.).

4)  This site also has typing games that will increase your typing speed.  Try out the games and type which one is your favorite and why.
1 minute
2 minutes
3 minutes
My favorite game was Spacebar Invaders.  Everyone try Spacebar Invaders at least once.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blog #5- Being Charitable

This is a blog assignment.

Name your post "Being Charitable."

Here is the hypothetical situation.  Mark Cuban mega-rich business man and owner of the Dallas Mavericks shows up at Back Bay High School with two million dollars to spend.  He offers you a job.  The pay for this job is one million dollars. The job is to choose a charity that you care about.   Mr. Cuban wants to donate the other one million dollars to that one charity.
Let's be charitable.
Your job is to research different charities to find one that means something to you.  After you find the charity that you want to support, you will write a blog entry that 1) **briefly describes the charity in one paragraph2) details (at least 2 paragraphs) why this charity is important to you (what about this charity is personally meaningful to you) 3) includes a link to the charity's website and 4) includes at least 2 pictures related to the charity.

There are a total of 3 paragraphs in this assignment.

**The link to the charity's website will include all the information about the charity.  This is why you will only briefly describe (a few sentences) the charity in your post.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Google #4 Monthly Budget

Today we are doing one of the required parts of the applied skills portion of this class.  We will be creating a budget spreadsheet using Google.

To begin, you must log in to Google and go to drive (documents).

Follow the directions that I give in class.  

You are going to create a monthly budget.

Starting with cell A1, then A2, then A3, etc. through A10, you will type in these 10 expenses:

Cell Phone
Car Payment

In cell A11 you will type Total.

Then you will select cells B1 through B10 and then click the dollar sign button.  Then with the cells still selected click on the sum button found in the "Crazy E looking tool" at the end of the row of tools.

Now enter in dollar amounts in each of the cells.  The program will automatically add the dollar sign and total these dollar amounts.

Finally, select all of the cells (words and dollar amounts) except for the total cells at the bottom.
Then click on insert chart (There is a button for this or you can find it under the insert tab).
Select the pie chart, and choose one of the three different types of pie charts.
Position the chart so that it is to the right of the cells.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Blog #4- Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of things that you want to do/accomplish before you die ("kick the bucket").  There is a 2007 movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called The Bucket List about 2 terminally ill men attempting to complete all the items on their bucket lists.

For today's assignment, you are to come up with 5 things that you want to accomplish during your time here on earth.  Do not include things that you have already done.  Graduating college and having children are not on my bucket list, because I have already done those things.  List the things from 1-5 including at least 1 sentence describing why you want to do/accomplish each thing.

Minimum requirements

this is a blog assignment
numbered list of 5 things/goals/etc. that you haven't done yet.
at least 1 sentence describing why each thing was chosen

1. run a half marathon faster than 1 hour and 55 minutes-  I will never be an elite level distance runner, but I consider running 13.1 miles in less than 2 hours an accomplishment. My original goal was under 2 hours but last year I ran a 157:29.

2.  run a marathon (preferably in under 4 hours)-  I have yet to attempt this goal.  I will run my first marathon in February.

3.  complete a triathlon-  I know I can swim, bike and run.  The question is "can I find enough time to properly train for a triathlon?".  One day I will.

4.  Get a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

5.  Donate platelets as many times as possible-  I used to donate blood, but I was told for my blood type (A+) it was better to donate platelets.  Platelets can be donated every 2 weeks.  The problem for me is that the process takes about 3 hours and with 2 little ones at home I can't get away on the weekends for that amount of time.  Right now, I donate during the summer and vacation times since 2010.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Blog #3- My Favorite Hobby

This is a blog assignment.

Title the post "My Favorite Hobby."  Write at least 150 words about your favorite hobby (a school appropriate activity that you do for fun).  You can briefly summarize the hobby in a few sentences (no more than 3).  The majority of this blog post will be about your opinions of the hobby and why it is your favorite.

Example of a link.

When creating the link in your post.
1. Select a word that you have already typed (do not add any extra words to create the link).
2. Click on the "Link" button in the tool bar (Link).
3. Type in the website.

Minimum requirements
3 paragraphs
150 words
2 pictures
1 link (to a related website)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Google Drive Assignment #1

After signing in to your google account go to Google Drive.

Click on the red NEW button and choose folder.

Name the folder P1 Yourlastname.

Share the folder with me (can edit).

I have already shared a folder with you named P1.

Open that folder and
click on the first assignment (1P misterwalske first last 123456 google #1 ungraded).

Follow the instructions on the assignment.

This is the same paragraphs that you wrote on your blog (copy and paste).

Google #3- Weekly schedule spreadsheet

Today, you are going to create spreadsheet in Google Drive.  This spreadsheet will be a weekly schedule for next week  starting with this Sunday.

Across the top of your spreadsheet you will type the 7 days of the week starting with Sunday (skip the first cell).
Down the first column (A) you will type every hour starting with 6:00 am through 2:00 am. (skip the first cell).  We will format the cells before we begin typing in the hours.

This schedule will have 147 cells to fill in.

You will color code the cells by changing the background color and the font color.

I will go over all the specifics in class.  It is important that you listen and follow along as I explain this assignment. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Google # 2- Business Letter

This is the second Google Drive assignment.

This assignment is a letter using the correct format.  You can choose to write a letter to a famous person (band) asking for an autographed picture or a letter to a company asking for free stuff.

1)  Go online and find the mailing address of a company (If you can also find the name of someone in that company, that's even better.) that you like or the mailing address of your favorite actor, singer, artist, etc.  

Make sure that you format this letter correctly.  Everything is left justified and there is a single space between your address, date, the company's (person's) address, greeting, etc. until you get to the end.  When you finish the letter with "Sincerely yours," or "Respectfully yours," double-space before you type the "handwritten signature" and double-space again before you type the typed signature.  Your name will be typed twice.  Then, we will change the font of the first one to represent your signature.

In the body of the letter, write about how much you like the company, group, or person detailing the products that you use from the company or the things (albums, movies, etc.) that you like about them (at least 1 paragraph- 4 sentences).  

In the last paragraph, ask the company if they have any free stuff or coupons (or if it is a person you could ask for an autographed picture or something).

Google Drive Assignments

Make copies of all 8 Google Drive assignments.
Rename them correctly and move each one into your personal folder that is already shared with me.

When you rename each assignment you need to change 3 things.
(1P misterwalske first last 123456 google #1 ungraded)

The word "first" is changed to your first name.
The word "last" is changed to your last name
"123456" is changed to your student ID number.
Delete the words "copy of" from the beginning.

 1P misterwalske Joe Cool 915487 google #1 ungraded

After each assignment is renamed, click "file" and "move to" then select your personal folder.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Blog Assignment #2- "Hour of Code"

For this assignment, you are going to complete an "Hour of Code."  You are going to code with Ana and Elsa.

Click this link to begin.

After you finish the hour of code (it won't take an hour) you will download your certificate to your desktop.  You will then do a blog post titled "Hour of Code."  You will insert the image of your certificate and publish.  Your blog post will look like below.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Blog post #1- About Me

For this first assignment you are going to type 3 paragraphs about yourself.  You can write about whatever you want about yourself.  Some examples of things to write about:  your family, where you live, what school you came from, your favorite things, goals, etc.

You will also post a picture with your paragraphs.  You will do a Google image search to find a picture that represents you.  For example,  if you are a surfer you could include a picture of a wave or someone surfing.  If you love dancing you could include a picture of people on a dance floor or a person dancing.

Make sure that you type 3 paragraphs and include a picture.  Write in complete sentences making sure to capitalize the first letter of the first word and include end punctuation.